Q: Somebody help me, I'm a n00b and I have no Idea what XDCC Klipper is, what it does and how to use it. Can someone help me?
A: Calm down, this is what this tutorial is for. Even Experienced users should read it, cause the new version is much different from the older ones.
XDCC Klipper helps you manage those XDCC, and XDCC clone, bots!. Don't scroll through endless drabble in different Channels. Original idea By 4:20 Studios, modifications made by DC_Playa, SnypeTEST, Barc0de, and me: Saragani.
XDCC Klipper helps you download the packs, resume it, enter the queue etc, and makes your life easier. An explanation on how to use XDCC Klipper will apear later on this tutorial.
Q: Ok. I got this zip file. Where do I extract it, and how do I install XDCC Klipper?
A: Unlike previous versions, this version can be extracted and loaded to/from directory. In order to prevent problems and incompatibility with older versions of XDCC Klipper, you should load XDCC Klipper just after you have started mIRC, and this is because some changes that were made in XDCC Klipper in order to allow sorting, and to have only 1 status window for all the networks (Since some tables and windows were changed, then loading XDCC Klipper after you were already connected to some networks will cause problems with the tables. This is why you should load it as soon as you start mIRC).
After you have extracted XDCC Klipper, you need to load it by going to the command line of mIRC and writting:
/load -rs "X:\the path to your xdcc klipper\xdccklipper.mrc"
For example: /load -rs "c:\program files\xdcc klipper\xdccklipper.mrc"
If you do decide to install XDCC Klipper from another directory, make sure you unload the previous version (Or you will have 2 versions installed which will cause lots of errors).
A window will pop up. You need to click on YES.
After you clicked on Yes, XDCC Klipper will convert the Offline Browser table to the new format. Please wait for it to finish.
Now XDCC Klipper is loaded, and we are ready to start. The first thing you need to do is to configure mIRC. Click on View ---> Options (Or press Alt+O) , and then configure your mIRC. The important things are:
Full name, E-mail, Nickname and alternate Nickname.
You also need to configure the following things in mIRC in order that XDCC Klipper will work the best:
A) File--->Options--->Connect options----> Enable reconnect on disconnection
B) File--->Options--->IRC----> Rejoin channels on connect
C) File--->Options--->DCC----> On send request---> Auto get file. If file exists---> resume
D) File--->Options--->DCC----> Folders---> DCC ignore---> Disabled. Uncheck the "Turn ignore back on in:"
E) File--->Options--->Connect options----> Retry----> Change the retry connection to the max, and the retry delay to 60 seconds.
* Note: XDCC Klipper requires mIRC 6.03 or newer versions. It is important to get the latest versions of mIRC for maximum compatibility with XDCC Klipper, and due to the fact that versions prior to mIRC 6.12 are exposed to an exploit which allows other people to crash your mIRC by sending a simple CTCP command.
Now, when mIRC is set, you need to configure XDCC Klipper.
Q: How to I configure XDCC Klipper?
A: Right click on the Status Window of mIRC, and choose: Script options ---> XDCC Klipper configuration.
Now, a new window popped up, and there you can set the options for XDCC Klipper. I will now explain about all the options:
The Number of retries will define how many times XDCC Klipper will try to resume if the download fails. If you set it to be 0, then it will be infinite retries. It will stop requesting for the pack as soon as you where added to the queue, the download started or if you canceled the resuming.
The time between the retries is literally what it says. If you set it to be 150 seconds, then it will request the pack (incase it failed) every 150 seconds.
Get On Queue retry time is the time between every Get On Queue request. Get On Queue is used when the Bot is Full (No opened slots and no space in the Bots queue). If you try to request a pack from a full Bot, it will tell you to try later. When you add a Pack to the Get On Queue, it will try to request it every X seconds automatically, until you manage to enter the Queue.
XDCC Klipper allows you to request the list of packs from bots. You can select multiple bots and request a list. The time between bots listing defines how much time it will pass between each List request.
You can also set a directory where the complete files will be moved to. Note, if you have more than 1 file with the same name, you will get an error when the second file will be completed and miRC will try to move to the same place.
You can make XDCC Klipper move the files to a directory named after the bot name by using a simple trick:
after you have browser and choosed the directory, add a _%frnk_\ (The "_" stand for space). For example:
C:\Downloads\ $frnk \
You can also tell XDCC Klipper to move the complete file to a directory which has the name of the file and the name of the bot. The variable %frfn returns the file name, so you can use:
C:\Downloads\ %frfn - %frnk \
(Make sure to have spaces between the "\" and the "%", between the %frfn and the "-", between the "-" and the %frnk, and between the %frnk and the "\")
The E-mail configuration is important for using the E-mail functions. XDCC Klipper allows you to receive e-mails that can tell your mIRC what to download, you can ask it to send you downloads report, and you can even tell it to run programs (Like VNC, Remote Admin, Emule .....)
The Username is the username which is used for login to the e-mail account
The Password is the password which is used for login to the e-mail account
The POP3 server is the incoming mail server
the SMTP server is the outgoing mail server
Your e-mail address is very important if you want to be able to send downloads reports.
Checking the "Show messages about the e-mails" will show messages every X seconds about the ammount of e-mails in the Inbox.
"Using Hotmail Account" must be checked incase you want to use a account. (Dahhh!!!)
Q: Do you mean I can use Hotmail with XDCC Klipper?
A: Theoretically: No!! , Practically: Yes!!. It is all possible because of a freeware called Hotmail Popper that can be found at .
In order to use it, you need to install the Hotmail Popper, and then configure the POP3 and the SMTP servers to be
If you are not using a Hotmail account, you must Uncheck the "Using Hotmail Account".
The Verification Code is a code that you define which helps decreasing the possibility that unauthorized person will tell your computer what to download, or run programs.
In this menu you can set the colors. The Bots colors will define what colors the Bots will have in the XDCC Klipper window, in the Offline Browser window, and in the Search window.
Color of Offline Bots defines the color that offline bots will have in the XDCC Klipper window.
Color of lines in the status window is literally what is says, and the same about Color in the Get On Queue List.
The Color of the headlines defines the color of the Tabs of the windows.
In this window you can define the Filters. When you open the filters window, it will have the packs that match your criteria's. The packs will be sorted by the Colors (So don't set 2 filters with the same color). You can activate and deactivate the filters by checking/unchecking them.
Here you can enable or disable the sounds. Those sounds can be handy, so don't just disable them.
In this window you can set if the XDCC Klipper window and/or the Status window of XDCC Klipper will be started when you connect. The Status Window of XDCC Klipper replaces the Queue Manager, and it contains information about queues, downloads, klipboards, get on queues etc...
XDCC Klipper no longer klips the packs to the XDCC Klipper and the Filters windows in real time. (This is in order to decrease the CPU hogging). The refresh time will set the time between each refresh (30 seconds is the minimum). You can also disable the refreshing, and then the content of the XDCC Klipper window and the Filters window will not be refreshed. You can still refresh those windows by using manual refreshing located at the right click menu at the window itself.
When a window is refreshed, its content is cleared, and re-entered. If you have a selected line before the refresh, it will be reselected after the refresh.
XDCC Klipper also has a built in simple Anti Virus for "Spam" and "Matrix 2" viruses (the ones that tells you to write: //write $decode(....... ), and for other viruses like the mIRCSpeedUp which has been seen lately.
XDCC Klipper will warn you when you get those messages (If the option is checked). And will prevent you prom executing the infection command. This helps a lot of n00bs, which might be infected form that virus (I saw a lot of people lately which where infected from this virus).
"Prevent already posted ...." will prevent packs that was already posted from being shown again on the channel. If the number of Gets was changed it will not hide the pack. This function is not preventing other information (For example queues and sends of the bot and triggers) from being shown on channel.
Web/E-mail Functions window allows you to disable some or all of the e-mail functions, enable/disable the packs submission function and to choose the delay (5-10 minutes is the optimal time). The packs submission function submit the packs that were added to your XDCC Klipper windows to a search engine. This allows users to share channels and packs and have a large database of packs.
Now, after I explained briefly about the configuration, we can continue with the tutorial about how to use XDCC Klipper.
When you connect to a server, 2 windows should be opened automatically (Unless you set XDCC Klipper not to opened those windows): XDCC Klipper window (Where the packs are being listed), and the Status Window (Where all information about current requests, downloads, queues, get on queues, klipboards, etc, aprears).
The Status Window is very important, and I will explain about it later.
The XDCC Klipper window looks very similar to this one:
In this window, you can see the bots names, the packs number, the size the status, the channel, and the description. I will explain about the Status of the Bots:
READY means that you can start downloading from the bot right away.
X/Y (for example 3/20) says that 3 spaces out of 20 in the Bots queue are already taken. When X = Y, the queue is full, and then the status of the bot becomes FULL. In this cause, you will probably need to use the Get On Queue function in order to enter the queue (Note: If XDCC Klipper gets a message that the queue is full, it will automatically use the Get On Queue).
OFFLINE means that the bot has left the channel. Since sometimes the channel doesn't says when the bot is back, or since the window is being refreshed every 60 seconds (default), the information about the offline bot might be wrong. Incase the bot is really offline and you request a pack, or a list, mIRC will automatically gets a message that the bot is no longer there, and you will hear a sound (Incase you didn't disable that sound).
As you can see, the Get On Queue functions has a sub menu. Clicking on Get On Queue will add the selected Pack to the Get On Queue list. Scheduled Get On Queue will let you schedule when the Get On Queue for this bot will start. If you click on Open List, you will get a list of all bots which are on the Get On Queue. You can remove Bots from that list using this option (By removing the wanted Bots from the new window that opens).
As you can also see, if you right click on a Bot, you get the Slots (number of total download slots), Record Speed, Minimum Speed (if you download with lower speed than the minimum, then bot will terminate your download), and Current speed. This information helps you find out if the bot is good or not.
Q: My friend told me that there is something called Klipboard. What it does and where did it go?
A: Lets say that you want to download more than 1 pack from the same bot. The Klipboard will automatically ask for the next pack which is in the Klipboard, from the bot that just finished transferring you a file.
Older versions had the option to add packs to the Klipboard. The new version does it automatically. If you double click on the first pack that you want to download from a Bot, and then double click (or choose "Get this pack" or Get On Queue), it will recognize that there is already a pack which is waiting for download, and will add the pack to the Klipboard. You can see the information about it in the Status Window.
Q: What Other Right Click menus exist?
A: All the windows has right click menus, and I already showed few of them. If you click on the status window of mIRC (not the status window of XDCC Klipper), you get the following Right Click menu (I did a copy paste, so I won't have to put the same picture 3 times. I combines few sub menus in the same picture. The arrows shows to which menu they belong):
With this right click menu, you can configure XDCC Klipper, get Help (Support, E-mail, Forum, Website), Open the XDCC Klipper and/or the Status Window and/or the Filters window, Open the Offline Browser, search for packs in the Offline Browser, clear the Offline Browser, and create a registry key file (Which I explain about it later), and ever reload/unload XDCC Klipper or turn it Off/On.
Another Right Click menu is available when you right click on a Bot:
The Bots listing lets you ask for pack listing from Bots. XDCC List Packs will only ask for listing from the first selected bot. If you want to ask for listing from more than 1 Bot, then select the bots that you want to list, and click on "List Selected Bots". You can stop the Listing using the "Stop Multiple Listing"
With Get Pack you can ask for a pack (Packs 1- 30), or enter the number manually
With Get On Queue you can add a pack to the Get On Queue (Packs 1-30), or enter the number manually
XDCC Klipper catches the Syntax of the Bots (/ctcp or /msg, and it can also work with formats more complicated syntaxes):
/msg bot something send #x or /ctcp bot something send #x , or ever /msg bot please please gimme pack #x
In you want to enter the Syntax Manually, you can click on the right option, and then you need to enter the Syntax as: /msg bot something send or /ctcp bot something For Example:
/msg ISO-09 gimme send
(Just copy paste what the bot tells you to write, and remove the #x or #<Pack> at the end). Most of the times you don't have to do it since XDCC Klipper catches the syntax.
Q: Can you explain me more about the Status Window?
A: Yes I can. In the Status Window, you can find all the information you need about the downloads etc... It is important that you will work with it (so leave it opened), cause you will most likely have to do some Right clicking and stuff like that on that window.
For example: If you are downloading a file, and you want to cancel it, then closing the transfer window )or clicking the cancel) will cancel the download, but will also cause the file to be resumed (after the period you have set. Default is 150 seconds). You can cancel the resuming from the Status Window.
A smarter thing will be to cancel the download from the Status Window itself (It will automatically close the transfer window, and will not resume).
You can also remove packs from the Get On Queue, or from the Klipboard. Disable the scheduling (will not download the file), or start the scheduled download right now....
If you have a pack in the Status Window which is being downloaded, in Get On Queue, on Queue, or other than in the Klipboard, removing the line will automatically search for the next pack from that bot which is in the Klipboard list, and will request it, so if you wanna cancel all the packs from a specific bot, start from the packs which are in the Klipboard first!!.
Using the right click you can disable packs and do lots of actions. XDCC Klipper now has 1 status window for all the network, which will probably make your control of the downloads easier. Furthermore, when you close mIRC (or when mIRC crashes), the content of this window is not being erased, so when you start mIRC again, it will auto-connect to the servers and channels and will request the packs again.
As you can also see, then you download a file, the status window has the information about the percent and the current download speed of that pack. The information about the percent and the speed is being refreshed every 30 seconds.
Another right click menus can be found in the Filters and the Offline Browser Windows.
There is only 1 window from each kind which is common for all networks (Not like the XDCC Klipper window and the Status Window that every Network has its own windows).
In the Filters window, you get the packs sorted by the filters that you defined in the XDCC Klipper configuration. Here is how the Filters window looks like:
Again, you can request a pack, Get On Queue, or clear the Filters window incase you want to change the Filters (and the old filters doesn't match your criteria's )
All the windows Above (XDCC Klipper, Status Window, Filters window) are not being deleted if you disconnect from the network, BUT... if you also close mIRC they are being deleted!!!
The rule doesn't apply on the Offline Browser (which some of you might already know of from version 3.4).
The Offline Browser makes a list of all the packs from all the networks in 1 window, and it is being saved in a file, so it is not being deleted when you exit mIRC. It can be good for channels and networks that doesn't appear in Packetnews, packetSeek, etc (which are Search Engines). The Offline Browser Window looks very similar to this one (But with much more lines. Mine already exceeded the 6000 lines, and I only have 3 Networks in the list):
You can also request for pack, or add to the Get On Queue list, or just tell it to connect the server and join the channel. Using the Search Packs will do a search inside the Offline Browser Window. This will Open a new window: Offline_Browser(search). In this window, you have the same right click menus as in the offline browser.
TIP: You can do a search in the Offline Browser Window, and the do another search in the Offline_Browser(search) window. This can help you narrow the results. For example: First search: Matrix reloaded , Seconds search from the Offline_Browser(search): SVCD
Q: What is those Packetnews and Packetseek that you mentioned?
A: Those are Search Engines that helps you find out the files that you are looking for. XDCC Klipper has a build in Dialog that let you enter the search key words, select the search engine, and it automatically opens the browser. If you right click on the mIRC status window, you can see an option "Search with search engines". this will open the dialog which looks like this:
It is very simple, and I think that there is nothing to explain. Do you have another questions?
Q: Actually, I have. What are the E-mail functions and how do I use them?
A: There are 3 e-mail functions in XDCC Klipper: xdccmail, xdccstat and xdccrun. The xdcctest is only used for testing incoming mail, and there for it is not a function.
Incase you cant to check the incoming mail, you need to send the e-mail account that is configured in XDCC Klipper an e-mail with the subject xdcctest
When XDCC Klipper will check the e-mail account again it will tell you that the test went OK.
The xdccmail function lets you tell your computer what to download by sending it an e-mail. This is good when you are away from the computer. The format of the e-mail must be:
Subject: xdccmail VCode
(incase you didn't defined a verification code, leave the Vcode empy).
Network Server Channel Bot Packs
Network Server Channel Bot Packs
Here is a good example:
You can tell XDCC Klipper to have more than 1 pack from the same bot.
You can also cancel packs using the xdccmail function. The only difference is that you don't need to put ":start" and ":end". All you need to write is:
:cancel Network Bot Pack
The xdccstat function lets you get downloads report by e-mail.
The format of the e-mail must be:
SUbject: xdccstat Vcode
(If you didn't define Verification code then leave the Vcode empty).
:goback email_address
The e-mail address is where the report will be sent to. You can tell XDCC Klipper to send the e-mail to more than 1 recipient if you put more than 1 :goback line
Here is a good example:
The third E-mail function (xdccrun) can let you run programs my using e-mail (Incase you wanna run VNC or emule, but you are away from the computer, I mean far far away from the computer).
Since this function could be dangerous (for example: someone can run format c: /q /Y ), then this function can not run without a Verification Code. If you didn't define one, then you will not be able to use this function. Further more, the xdccrun has a double identification. You will also need to put your e-mail password in the subject (So if someone wants to run programs in your computer, he must know both the Vcode and the e-mail password).
The e-mail must be on the following form:
Subject: xdccrun Vcode Password
:xdccrun x:\path\file.exe ( + switched )
For example: :xdccrun c:\flashfxp\flashfxp.exe
Here is a good example:
TIP: If you know of a certain programs that you will most likely gonna run, then create a batch file that runs them, and put it in the main directory of mIRC. Then, when you send the e-mail, you just need to write a short command:
:xdccrun emule.bat
Q: What is the Registry Key Maker?
A: The registry Key Maker creates a registry key in the main directory of mIRC, and inserting the key to your registry allows XDCC Klipper to have another special function that might be used by other websites. You can choose which OS you have (9x or 2000/XP) and it will create the registry key according your selection.
The special function allows websites to have a link in their website that will automatically tell XDCC Klipper what to download (Not using the e-mail functions). Clicking on a link will cause mIRC to open (incase it is closed), and it will connect to the server and download the file. If mIRC is already opened it will just open a new connection, and will try to download the file.
It is very similar to the known link: irc://server/channel which is used by a lot of websites.
The format of the link is:
For example:
(It doesn't matter if you write #1 , #01 #001, cause XDCC Klipper automatically changes it to #001).
This, I hope, will allow websites like packetnews and infabot to have direct links to the files.